Monday, August 9, 2010

Shun the Non Believer!

I have a confession.

I...I don't believe in Kate Beckinsale.

I used to. And, maybe, Kate Beckinsale used to be real, and maybe there's even a real Kate Beckinsale now, but I'm sure they're not the same. All I can say is that I don't believe in her. She's like Santa, or the tooth fairy.

See, once upon a time there was an actress called Kate Beckinsale, but I only ever saw her in "Much Ado About Nothing" and "Cold Comfort Farm". Then, all of a sudden, there was another actress called Kate Beckinsale and I saw her in "Underworld" and "Van Helsing" and I thought to myself "That's not Kate Beckinsale."

It was as simple as that. One day she was real, then she wasn't.

Now, this isn't a comment on her acting skills or anything. I'm not trying to be judgmental here, all "oh, she used to be an actress, now look at her being all mainstream." No, that's not what I'm doing. I just...don't see any similarities between the two, and now I don't believe in Kate Beckinsale. Even looking at pictures of this alleged "Kate Beckinsale"...I don't recognize her. At all. In any pictures.

Here's the thing: I'm good with faces. I'm good with names. I'm fantastic at remembering actor's names. So why is there such disconnect with Kate Beckinsale? Why can't I recognize her, like, ever?

So I don't believe in her.

Sorry Kate Beckinsale.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my I'm so creepy finding this link through your facebook and now "following" you. Ahhhh!

    I have a blog too!
